It is exciting news, but I think it is wise to double check the reputations of the law firms involved before getting too carried away. There are a few comments on the reddit forum that have chastened my enthusiasm a little. -- COBWEB
I agree 100%.
When I've heard Rick Simons or Irwin Zalkin talk about their cases, they really do seem intent not only on righting an injustice with regards to their respective clients, but they also talk about effecting change on WT's child abuse policy.
When I heard Weitz & Luxenberg was the source of these ads, the first words that popped into my mind were "ambulance chasers," "slip-and-fall" and "sharks."
That being said, I personally don't care what their intentions are, as long as they sue the shit out of WT and get their clients what they deserve. WT hasn't been open to learning any lessons anyway.